LIS 699 - Directed Study (Doctoral Level)
Course Outline:
Calendar Description:
Further study at the doctoral level of special topics and issues, based on knowledge acquired in previous courses or on significant prior experience. Topics must be approved by the School.
- Areas generally deemed appropriate for Directed Study include:
- Further study in an area in which the student is interested, provided no other suitable course is available.
- Preliminary study or investigation designed to lay the groundwork for the student's dissertation research project. Such a study must in itself produce tangible results.
- Methodologies appropriate to the dissertation research project (e.g. testing of hypotheses, qualitative approaches, statistical inferences, systems analyses, historical analyses, analytical analyses) are also deemed appropriate to Directed Study.
- The results of the Directed Study may be presented in the form of a critical essay or report, or other format deemed appropriate.
- The Study should be carefully delimited to accord with its weighting (3 credits).
- The Course Supervisor must be a continuing full-time faculty member of the School of Library and Information Studies. All LIS 699 options depend on a faculty member's agreement to supervise the course. A librarian or other information professional or another faculty member may also participate as a co-supervisor at the discretion of the Course Supervisor.
- A student wishing to undertake Directed Study should approach her/his Program/Thesis Supervisor(s) and then the proposed Course Supervisor for initial discussion of the suitability of the proposed study in light of the student's total program. Interested students may also want to consult the University of Alberta, Industry Liaison Office's publication A Guide to Intellectual Property for Graduate Students.
- The Request for Approval
for the Directed Study must be submitted to the Course Supervisor prior to the term in which the Study is to be undertaken. Please state a condensed title of a maximum of 19 characters that can appear on your official transcript.
- Ethics review requirements as outlined in the Faculty of Education's Research Ethics Documents must be followed.
- The student's performance in the Directed Study will be evaluated and graded on the letter grading scale by the Course Supervisor.
- A copy of written work produced for the Directed Study will be kept on file by the Course Supervisor.
Course Relationships:
Permission of the Course Supervisor and enrollment in a doctoral program.
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