a place for independent study

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Library and Information Studies @ FIX University "a place for independent study"

LIS 402/510 - Storytelling - Assignment I

Assignment I:

I. TELLING OF A FABLE: Feb. 2 & 4, 2010 - 20%

  • Choose a fable that appeals to you. Try and find an unusual one (that very few others have heard) and prepare it so that you can tell it in your own words. THERE WILL BE NO DUPLICATION OF FABLES TOLD IN CLASS!
  • Please find at least 5 different versions of the fable. Keep in mind the reflection assignment below when you choose and prepare your fable.
  • The time limit on telling your fable will be 3-4 minutes.
  • Make sure that you like the fable that you choose and have fun with it! Be creative in your telling and interpretation.
  • Register the date of your telling and your choice with the instructor by January 21, 2010
  • Provide a written story structure and character summary for the fable one class prior to your telling.
  • Marks: Story structure (5); character summary (5); telling (15) = 25.

LIS 402/510 - Storytelling - Assignment II

Assignment II:

II. REFLECTIONS ON THE FABLE: Feb. 9, 2010 - 10%

  • Keep a record of your storytelling experience in finding and telling your fable.
  • Tell your fable at least 3 times to different 3 human audiences before you tell it in class for the assignment. Take notes on what you learned from these tellings and any changes that you may have made based on the reactions from your audiences or your own personal preferences. Who were your practice audiences?
  • Why did you choose this particular story to learn (what drew you to it)? What do you like about it? What makes this particular version best suited to your telling? Why do you think this story is important enough for you to spend time and energy learning it?
  • Which five (or more) versions did you look at? Give full bibliographic citations. Include any audio or video versions that interest you. Was it difficult to locate these versions?
  • In what settings might you use this story?
  • How might you use this story in a larger program (ie. Teaching a specific lesson; introducing a concept, point in a presentation etc.)
  • How did your final telling differ (if it did) from your practice tellings? Why?

LIS 402/510 - Storytelling - Assignment III

Assignment III: 

III. GROUP PROJECT: Mar. 2, 2010 – 20%

  • The following topics are available for this assignment. Please choose one that you are interested in exploring and work with your classmates in the individual groups to produce a project (virtual, paper, audio, etc.) to share your knowledge on the topic.
  • There will be no more than 5 people in each group.
  • Suggested topics include:
    • Digital Storytelling
    • Storytelling organizations
    • Storytelling and censorship
    • Storytelling and Youtube
    • Storytelling on the Internet (but not including Youtube)
    • Storytelling for Specific Audiences (you may choose the specific audience you wish to focus on for this project)
    • Storytelling in the classroom
    • Storytelling in the workplace (non-education settings)
    • Additional topics may be selected with permission of the instructor.

    LIS 402/510 - Storytelling - Assignment IV

    Assignment IV:

    IV. FOLKLORE AND POPULAR CULTURE: Mar. 18, 2010– 20%

    Popular Culture:  "Less highly valued [than elite culture], but with greater currency among the general population. E.g. television, movies, comics, light fiction, newspapers and magazines. Like elite culture, these works have identifiable authors and are fixed in form, but while elite culture is considered worthy, popular culture generally is not." Simons, Student Worlds, Student Words, 21.  (Also includes advertisements, brand names and popular music.)
    Please complete both parts of the assignment.
    • Find evidence of folklore in three different media of popular culture and discuss:
      • the "origin" of the tales, motifs, characters etc. of the folklore [2 marks]
      • the values, if any, of the original folklore and of the adaptation. Why is it used?  [2 marks]
      • how the folklore is adapted. What mood and treatment is it accorded? Is it treated with respect? Humorously? Satire? Parody? [4 marks]
      • does it assume that the general public will understand the reference to the folklore or is it spelled out? Please give details. [3 marks]
      • Universality. Is it easily understood by people from all cultures? Why or why not? [2 marks]
      • Are items of folklore generally easy to recognize by the general public or have you become more aware of them because of this assignment?  Discuss. (should not be less than 250 words) [5 marks]
      • Total marks = 13 X 3 (39) + 5+ (writing style) 6 = 50 

      LIS 402/510 - Storytelling - Assignment V

      Assignment V:

      V.  FOLKTALE TELLING: Mar. 23, 23, & 30, April 1, 6 & 8, 2010-- 30%

      • Select a folktale that you enjoy. It should take approximately 10 minutes to tell.
      • Please provide instructor with a photocopy of the original story, and a story structure and character summary for your version the class prior to the telling of it in class. At this time also explain (in point form or short essay) the criteria you used in choosing your story and the source in which it was found. Please explain the reasons for your choice.
      • Prepare the story so that you can tell it, without reference to the book. Feel free to add your own interpretation to the tale.
      • Prepare and use an opening to the story for the "real" audience as well as a closing for your tale. Tell the story to your classmates in the same manner as you would for the "real audience".
      • Marks: Evaluating the source notes and authority of author (3); story structure (5); character summary (5); your personal selection criteria (2); telling (20) for a total of 35.

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